
NSC EnergyOpti subscribes to Automous optimization services


Automous signs an agreement with NSC EnergyOpti, affiliate of New Stars & Company, for multi-market optimization of large-scale battery storages and other energy resources such as renewable power. NSC EnergyOpti provides solutions for energy optimization, asset aggregation, and trading on various electricity markets. NSC sells and markets Automous' optimization technology as part of their more comprehensive energy optimization, aggregation, and trading services for various end customers.

"NSC have over the last winter evaluated and compared several electricity market forecasting and bid optimization technology providers from Finland and Europe, and selected Automous. As is evident from New Stars & Company's earlier participation in our pre-seed investment round, and now the signing of this service agreement, NSC strongly believes in our capabilities. We are of course very proud of this, and it is the best possible indication for us that our forecasting and optimization technologies' performance is cutting edge.

It is also evidence that our strategic position as a specialized SaaS service provider works well. Both companies share a similar view on where the markets and technologies are headed, and we look forward to continuing our good and fun collaboration with NSC."

Bonnie Avatar Taneli Hölttä, Automous CEO and Co-founder

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