Why Automous?

Value proposition

Automous offers optimal energy trading strategies to maximize profits and adapt to dynamic energy markets. Our solutions address energy market optimization opportunities from day-ahead to reserve market trading, with ongoing development of new capabilities. Our strategic approach ensures alignment with our clients by not overlapping interests and fostering collaborative growth.

Customer promise

At Automous, we provide solutions for utilizing energy resources to their fullest potential through cutting-edge AI and optimization technologies. Our advanced AI forecasting delivers high-precision insights across various electricity markets, powering our optimization solutions. We model your energy resource sites with accuracy and enable you to seamlessly integrate external data for site-specific optimization. Our optimization, forecasting, and modelling capabilities enable optimal multimarket participation and seamless adaptation to evolving energy markets, unlocking the full potential of your energy resources.

Monetize your energy assets to the fullest.

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Where you can find us

Requests for information and proposals, or sales inquiries, please contact us

You are welcome to follow us on LinkedIn: @automous

Our office is at Otakaari 5 A, 02150 Espoo Map